Oops! Some techy details about the storm.

Note: Clic the pic to make it larger. We're very near point 11. See the chart below.
Super Typhoon XANGSANE a.k.a. Milenyo
(25-30 SEP 2006)Storm - Max Winds: 125Knots (
that's 143.75 mph) Category: 4
2-11.60-128.20-09/25/18Z-35 - TROPICAL STORM
3-11.70-128.00-09/26/00Z-35 - TROPICAL STORM
4-12.10-127.30-09/26/06Z-45 - TROPICAL STORM
5-12.20-126.80-09/26/12Z-55 - TROPICAL STORM
6-12.20-126.20-09/26/18Z-65 - TYPHOON-1
7-12.50-125.50-09/27/00Z-90 - TYPHOON-2
8-12.90-124.60-09/27/06Z-115 - TYPHOON-4
9-13.10-123.60-09/27/12Z-125 - TYPHOON-4
11-14.10-121.50-09/28/00Z-105 - TYPHOON-3
----14.31-121.09 -------------- Bill & Dea Davis----14.55-121.03 -------------- Barry & Michelle Marshall
13-15.60-119.10-09/28/12Z-105 - TYPHOON-3
14-15.60-118.10-09/28/18Z-95 - TYPHOON-2
15-15.40-16.90-09/29/00Z-100 - TYPHOON-3
17-15.40-114.40-09/29/12Z-115 - TYPHOON-4
18-15.50-113.20-09/29/18Z-115 - TYPHOON-4
19-15.50-112.30-09/30/00Z-115 - TYPHOON-4
20-15.60-111.50-09/30/06Z-115 - TYPHOON-4
21-15.90-110.60-09/30/12Z-110 - TYPHOON-3
---from http://weather.unisys.com--- 
Also note: Since the wind speed column above is in knots you have to multiply it by 1.15 to convert to miles-per-hour. Thus 125 knots is 143.8 mph. and the 105 knots when it was over us is 121 mph.