Sunday, January 28, 2007

Saturday morning at the 'Wet Market'.

Saturday morning Jan 27th, pretty early (06:30), neighbors Trudy and Patricia decided to go to the wet market with Dea to pick up some vittles. I (Bill) had been there the week before with Russell who we met there on this fine day to get some pointers particularly on fish selection. As you'll see below there's fruits, vegetables, fish, chicken, beef, and pork.
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Lot's of Fruits and veggies at this wet market.

Dea and Patricia lookin' them over.

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If they'd let me have just the ear...I'd take it home.
Hey Bill! You want a pigs ear"
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Heffalumps and Woozles! I'm getting more hungry by the minute. I'll take one of each of those!
They're black,
they're brown,
They're up,
they're down!
They're in,
they're out,
They're all about!
They're far,
they're near,
They're gone,
they're here!
They're quick,
they're slick,
They're insincere!
Beware! Beware! Beware! Beware! Beware!
from: Heffalumps and Woozles
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We like chicken and this looks really fresh. I might even try that 'Chicken Hot Dog'.
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Sure enough It looks like fish!
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All sizes to pick from and some are soooo fresh they're still jumpin' around.
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Yeah! Cut me a hunk of that. Now what was it called?
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Dea and Trudy getting a fish lesson from Russell.

Contemplating the days catch... Hmmm what should I take home?
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Friday, January 26, 2007

Rice fields again?

Here's a 10 megapixel, wide format (16:9) view of the newly planted rice field near us. Click on it once for a larger picture. Don't think the blog preserves the full 10MP but anyway it's the first post from my new camera. I'm still trying to understand the camera's features.

Political promise.

So 'Onward and Upward' (you read blogs from the bottom up - you know). From now on I'll post more of my own and less stolen pictures. That's a political type promise which means it doesn't have to be kept - but I'll try to honor it if I can count on your vote.

New Camera

In October we went with the family to Boracay and maybe one of these days I'll share some of the pictures with you on this Blog. But the point right now is that a disaster occurred and wasn't rectified until just after Christmas. The disaster: my digital camera got dunked in salt water and it didn't like it one bit. In fact it 'bit-the-dust'. The rectification: I bought a new one and had our neighbors bring it back from the states this month. So now I'll have to get busy and post more of our goings on in the good ole PI.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Hey! They're movin closer to us!

Well by the time you read this, which I'm writing Friday afternoon here in the Philippines, my son and family Mike, Talisha, Braedyn and of course Dori will be in the Seattle area where he will begin a new job. Actually 1000 miles closer ( 7600 miles vs 6600 miles) seems like a lot but still too far to pick up Braedyn.

Hey I'm my favorite toy!

I thought I put my favorite toy in here.

OH! Yeah! .... I'M My Favorite toy!

Grandson Braedyn with toybox made by Grandpa Snort

Yup! There's the Big "B". Enjoying but kind of saying goodbye to his newly discovered Curly Maple toybox. Actually he's the only one on his block (wherever that is) with one just like. Infact the only one in the world. Enjoying it because he now stands up and walks around it and looks inside and laughs at his toys. Saying good-bye cuz by now he's in Seattle and his toybox remains in Denver. I'm sure he'll miss it until it gets there!