Last week we enjoyed a visit from Dea's sister Barbara and Marilyn so the three sisters were together again. Here they are.

Then Last Thursday Reed and Kathy took a side trip from Indonesia to visit us.

Picture above is of a Saturday outing to Sonja's Place in Tagaytay. After which we took a unique 'Bill Davis' shortcut home via Aling Pina's, Buko Haus and Cardiac hill. Yup, in the car!

Earlier Saturday morning Reed (the inventor of mountain biking) and I went for a bicycle ride. We set out from the Paseo in Santa Rosa and headed for Cardiac Hill.

This is the beginning of the 'hill' which is visible in the background.

... and here he is ?enjoying? a fresh Buko drink after having finished the more strenuous phase of the ride. Then a Kodak moment just into the Farmhouse trail just after the rest at Buko Haus.

The 'going home' phase - riding down Upak trail to Duck trail. Didn't see any ducks but heard some firing at the Special Forces firing range we past which meant we had to duck.
Reed (who should know) assured me 'this ain't no bull' on the duck trail and was the only one to take the creature head on.

Everyone else took an alternate trail, including me!